Thursday, October 25, 2007

taekwon anyone?

some thoughts I've had on learning martial arts and learning more about myself in the process ... my Korean teacher told me recently that taking taekwondo is a great investment for me into the Korean culture ... for several reasons but namely because it was invented here in Korea and also for the reason she told me the formation and process of it represents the national Korean character ... and this I can see is true looking at the various patterns we must learn to advance further and further are named after founding individuals and various beliefs held by the collective Korean mindset.

But the thing I like, aside from the "fighting" aspect of it is that it promotes inner strength before the outer strength ... that truly you can have the outer strength but if you have no inner fortitude then you are still weak. This has been an interesting revelation to me simply because it seems so opposite in the "natural" world of things and objects and muscles and so-called "tough guys." It is not the outer strength that defines a person but what they possess inwardly.

As often as I do I think of home and I wonder and ponder what things help form the American mindset and "inner strength" that seems very widespread in the Asian cultures. What are the things the define my friends and families' mindset? Where do we truly get our strength from? Is it our jobs? Our education? Our friends? Our family? Our various beliefs and religions? I could go on and on I'm sure ... Just thoughts I guess and intriguing questions ...

I would love to hear what you feel helps define our national character?

ps: I haven't been able to post any nice fall pics I said I had taken I think because I need to size them down a bit, they take a really long time to load ... sorry!


Rachel said...

Dang you are so freaking deep!
I remember learning that when I was little in tae kwon do, that it IS a way of life because it affects your inner being as well as the outer.

America has such a vast array of cultures I don't think we can generalize one inner strength. I think most are defined by what role they play in society, CEO of a company or are on welfare. I think religion plays a defining role in some. But I think the big one is the media. I feel many Americans want to fit in with the 'norm' and if they do then they can have this inner strength but if they don't many feel 'weak'.

I'd like to say my inner strength comes from a security in the Lord and that I know I will be in heaven one day, but I am also affected by what the media portrays as normal. I am not that. I have to remind myself that I am not that because I am better, I have Jesus. And what happens on Earth doesn't affect how I feel about the Him.

Great Blog John!
:) Rachel

Molly R. said...

Hey, Mr. Miyagi, before you start getting philosophical, remember you are only a white belt. Next thing we know you are going to be wodering the earth like Kung Fu.

Let me know how your inner strength works when you get into fight with a "tuff guy" with weak inner strength who is 6'4" 250.

Jon Jon, many people seem to think that the American culture is inferior somehow to that of the East. Ask the Japanese how there sweet culture worked out for them during WWII. Not to Good!
Great Blog, keep up the good work Daniel Son.....
Chris R.

steve and randel hambrick said...

we miss you....

Unknown said...

JOHN! i just found your blog site again... i asked Rachel if she knew the link and she told me it was on your facebook page. It was right about that same moment i began feeling like a retard =-)

Your blog is really exciting to me! right about the same time you wrote this we were learning about "The Well of Fortitude" in TBS. In battle, leaders are responsible for drawing from their own well of fortitude not only to put fire in their souls to give themselves spirit to fight, but they are responsible for drawing from their well to be an inspiration and give strength to the men they are leading in order to give them the strength to fight. Fatigue, fog of war, and attacks from the enemy crush our spirits and we constantly need to draw from that well of fortitude to replenish our spirit. So to be a leader you really need to know how to draw from that well, and you desperately need it to be deep. Thank goodness God is limitless =) the text they had us read suggested that we need to have a belief in a higher power bigger than ourselves that we can draw from.

There is a lot more to the text, but thats the skinny version =) man, i'd love to go to outback with you and discuss this some time =) and i'd love to hear all about the unwritten excitement in your life =) God bless you, brother.