ok, some of you have participated in my re-naming of the blog contest and I must say I was happy with some of the results and some where funny but there is no way that I would put that up as a blog name, Steve Mersinger I'm talking to you buddy!
So ... the winner is ... Molly! She dug down deep and got super creatvie with "The Adventures of J-Mitch" which I like, and seeing as how most friends lovingly call me this from time to time, I will go with it. Good job Molls! I will send you a phone card soon!
Other than that, nothing new to report.
But possibly coming soon ... I am thinking about taking Tae kwon do ... I figure while I'm hear to teach and observe a new culture, why not learn how to kick some ass while I'm at it? I think if I stick with it, I could be a black belt by next summer time, just in time to come home and clean up everyone who's out of line back home! So watch yourself ... me and Chuck Norris will come knockin' and there'll be hell to pay! ha!
I'll let you know what I decide soon ...
Enjoy the random photo I took with my lappy camera!
yes! tae kwon do!! we wont even recognize you when you get back- kicking around, slurping and eating with your mouth open, and not looking at people in the eyes.. what other excitement does this year hold???!!??
jmitch! please take tae kwon do! You will come back like Jack Bauer...But possibly the Korean version.
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